Do your children spend a lot of time comparing themselves to others--happy when they perform better than classmates or siblings; sad when someone else gets the upper hand? Though completely normal in our culture, it reveals a serious flaw in reasoning and in heart.
James says, "As it is, you boast and brag. All such boasting is evil." James 4:16. James noted that boasting means our eyes are fixed on other people--how we measure against them. If we are better, we consider ourselves good. If someone else outperforms us, we value ourselves less. That's a wrong measure.
Instead, it's better to teach our children to measure themselves against, "Are you doing what God has called you to do the best you can?" In this we teach our children to focus on their duty to God. To keep their eyes on God. More importantly, they get their security from the knowledge that they are precious to God--not on their performance as compared to others.
Bragging and condemning self are opposite ends of the same issue--finding confidence and worth in performance. When we turn our children's focus to their relationship with God, we give a sure footing that will last their lifetime.

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This month’s topic: What are the ways you treasure your days with your children?