"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please the flesh from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit from the Spirit will reap eternal life. for whatever one sows that will he also reap." Galatians 6:7-8.
This scripture has shown its truth so clearly in the recent lives of families I know.
I have seen a father who often interpreted scripture in light of what he desired fall into despair as he experienced his daughter likewise frame scripture to her own desires--chiefly, rebelling against him. Though a loving father, he consistently justified his self-serving take on the Word in convincing ways and taught his daughter to do the same. He is reaping the what he sowed.
I have heard the groaning of a mother, who frequently disregarded husband's requests with every justification in the book, experience the same disregard by her children. She is reaping what she sowed.
I have seen my own impatience and snappiness with my children come out in their relationships to each other. I am reaping what I have sowed.
Sowing to please our own natures--no matter how nobly or convincingly we justify ourselves--will result in a harvest of that fruit. And we know that the fruit of our nature is destruction.
Yet, there's hope. As always. If we sow to please the Spirit--no matter how haltingly, no matter how confused we are by how this might work, no matter how counter-intuitive the leading seems--we reap life. Eternal life.
I've seen this work. Not always immediately. Not always in a straight path. But, spouses who sow seeds of forgiveness, patience with each other, and kindness generally come to experience that response from their mate. Parents who take scripture seriously and trust God's guidance in parenting generally see children grow into God-like characters. Most importantly, God uses the Spirit we sow to please to bring that amazing fruit out of our paltry efforts.
We reap what we sow. What are you sowing today?

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This month’s topic:
What are you sowing?