"Your attitude should be the same as Christ Jesus." Philippians 2:5. I finish morning prayer time filled with a sense of peace and joy. Heading to the kitchen to make breakfast, I hear the children stir. Then clash. Then howl.
I run up the stairs to assess the damage only to find sibling crouched over sibling, full brawl ensuing. Before I explode, the verse from my devotion blares in my mind--"Your attitude should be the same as Jesus." Feeling less peaceful and joy-filled, I'm also a little more sarcastic in mental response wondering exactly WHAT Jesus' attitude would be to children who can't even get out of bed without fighting.
Deep breath. Short prayer. Pause to ask, "Jesus, what would Your attitude be?" I know this is a test--did I really get what God was saying? Was my peace real or a facade? Can I truly walk through life as Jesus did? The command is that I must. My family provides God's school for bringing lessons to life--giving opportunities to practice. Today's lesson--"Your attitude should be the same as Christ Jesus." Lord, save me from myself and show me the way to be like You--even in attitude.
Please join us to encourage each other with your insights, remembering to keep comments uplifting and considerate of all. Click on 'comments' below to discuss this month's topic.This month’s topic: What are the ways you treasure your days with your children?