"The best preparation for tomorrow is to do today's work superbly well." William Osler

When the kiddos ask, "Why do I have to do this math homework?" there are many good answers. This may be one of the best. 

Learning to do today's task well--whatever it is, whether you like it or not--trains us to do all our work with diligence and excellence. We find ways to make our work count. Once we have that trait--God will trust us with great work.

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This month’s topic: What do you think?

"This too shall pass."

As I sat with a group of moms who were contributing insights for an upcoming book, one mom offered this as her touchstone for the years of raising her children. "In everything," she said, "I try to remember, 'This too shall pass.'" What a great source of hope, of encouragement, and of wisdom. The true beauty is that the phrase works both ways.

In times of sorrow or struggle--this too shall pass. When our oldest was nine months old, I was still walking the floor with him every night as he screamed in pain. I remember thinking, "I am never going to get a full night's sleep again." I think I fully believed that I would be hauling his nineteen year old body on my shoulder and pacing the floor.

The despair of believing life would never change nearly took me under. I wish someone had shared the truth, "this too shall pass"--because it did. As he turned one the stomach issues resolved, and we were both sleeping. Learning this lesson made it so much easier to face colic in subsequent children. I knew the stage wouldn't last forever, so I could face each night with strength and hope.

Whether we face illness, a bad behaviour pattern, or a time of conflict within our family; we can take encouragement knowing--this too shall pass.

In times of joy--this too shall pass. The days of snuggling on the couch with toddlers, the family dinners where everyone competes to share their highlight of the day, the tender conversations where children open their hearts--these too shall pass. Remembering this helps us treasure the moments. Take time for the moments. Set other opportunities aside to focus on the moments because this time with them won't last forever.

In all the bad and good we can take heart and treasure joy knowing--this too shall pass.

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This month’s topic: What do you think?

July--time for pulling weeds. As I struggled through the fourth garden box, I realized that the weeds I was pulling from our veggies bore a striking similarity to the weeds I'd been wrestling in our children's character. Perhaps there were some lessons in parenting from my tomato plants?

  • Tiny weeds: 
Tiny weeds can be the hardest to tend. They're hard to grab, don't seem all that big a deal till you step back and see that they are everywhere, and the small roots have the strength of Goliath. While it would be easy to let these go to tend the larger weeds, these little buggers seem to do more damage in the long run.

So it goes with those tiny bad habits of our children. We focus on the big issues of lying or refusal to share, but let the little back talking or rolling of eyes slip by. Yet, those "little" habits reveal a heart that refuses to acknowledge authority and disparages relationship. In their heart our child cares more about getting his way than honoring the other person. While this weed can be hard to grasp--if let go, it spreads everywhere.
  • Long roots:  
Ever had that weed whose roots seem to end somewhere in China? Yes, my peppers have those. Worse, the weed itself is covered in prickles so that grabbing hard enough to yank the root out really hurts.

Sometimes dealing with our children's sin really hurts. Sometimes we have to go really deep to get at the heart of sin. When this situation arises, I take great comfort from lessons learned in Paul Tripp's book, Age of Opportunity. He affirms the basic truth that our children's time with us is essentially a series of opportunities to work with our children and help them see where they need Jesus to save them in very concrete ways. A son's attraction to pornography, a daughter's decision to act hatefully toward her family--these sins are big, hurtful, and have deep roots. Only Jesus can yank this weed. But, we are the hands He uses. Be ready for some pain. Also be ready for the real growth that happens once the weeds are gone.
  • Weeds that look like the plant: 
Perhaps the most frustrating weed problem of all--when I can't tell whether the greenery in my hand is strawberry or the weed that look identical. My son can always tell. He knows the minuscule differences in leaves. He has the patience to trace the runner back to the original plant to identify--strawberry vs. weed. I usually must wait for the other sure fire is test--does the plant produce fruit or destruction? 

Sometimes it's hard to tell whether our children's actions are leading to good character or bad. Is her sunny smile while playing with little sis a gracious showing of love or a manipulative ploy to get her way? Just like my son, we must have the patience to get to know the tiny nuances that identify good vs. bad. We must trace their behaviour back to its origin--what heart attitude leads to the current choice? We must engage enough to see the results of their choice--good fruit or destruction? While these character weeds can be hard to identify, as soul gardeners for our children we must dig them out so that God's fruit can grow.

For parents--it's always July. Always weeding time. I love how God gives us spiritual lessons in the concrete experiences of every day. As I finish pulling the last weed from the cucumbers, I simply pray, "Lord, please give me Your insight and guidance on tending the weeds in these children so that they can flourish for You."

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This month’s topic: What do you think?

The crowd gathered at Sam's was a dead give-away. Parents scoured the curriculum aisle looking for ways to keep the learning going over summer so children their don't fall behind. While the parental concern and support is admirable, parents who assign a slew of worksheets to copy the education children receive through the year not only ignore a huge opportunity for real learning--they may kill their their child's natural tendency to explore and grow.

Schools use worksheets for one reason--they can be graded in a heartbeat. Teachers who have 35 students to attend must have quick feedback that doesn't depend on communicating with each child.

Parents don't need that. Interaction with our children lets us know whether they understand or need a little assist. This means parents can focus on the hands-on activities that lead to real learning. Children remember what they do--especially when it relates to their interests. A better approach than worksheets:

  • Let children choose a project to complete over the summer. Figuring the square footage for their own garden plot or tree house puts learning the math skills into a concrete situation that benefits them. The incentive to get the answer right grows exponentially when it's their creation on the line.
  • While you're at it, let them figure the budget for the project. They develop more math skills plus an appreciation of how to make difficult choices to stay within available funds.
  • Make trips to the grocery, the pool, or the vacation a time for them to figure the price. Children are for more interested in adding how many snacks they can get for their allotment than working an imaginary story problem.
  • Play games. Nearly every board game builds some type of math skill. Kids learn while having fun. They love it even more when parents join the game.
  • Choose a great book to read aloud as a family. Children of all ages love hearing a story come to life. Following the story as you read builds both a love of reading and listening skills. What parent doesn't need that?
  • Hand the map for the vacation trip to your child and have them plot the route. Builds both math and technical reading skills. The same works for the plans for the tree house or the recipe for dinner.
  • Set an hour a day as reading time for all ages. Even three-year-olds can look at a picture book during their rest time. This builds the habit of reading into the family culture. It also gives parents a quiet break in the day. Need ideas for books? Consider Honey for a Child's Heart. Gladys Hunt creates age-appropriate lists of the best books available. 
  • If you haven't discovered 4-H--attend your county's local fair and take in the projects. You don't need farm animals to participate. Projects are available in nearly every interest--rockets, photography, cake decorating, gift wrap, genealogy, electricity, bicycle maintenance--you name it. Take your children to see the exhibits and choose their project. You can still stop by the 4-H office to get the manuals and complete a project even this summer. While children won't be part of the fair--working through the projects offers an opportunity to learn a myriad of new skills in your child's area of interest.
  • Go to state park, nature center, or library programs. These bring learning to life in a fun way.
When kids engage in activities--they learn. Take the opportunity to turn everyday life into exploration--and your children will go back to school on track and loving learning.

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This month’s topic: What are the ways you treasure your days with your children?

Do your children spend a lot of time comparing themselves to others--happy when they perform better than classmates or siblings; sad when someone else gets the upper hand? Though completely normal in our culture, it reveals a serious flaw in reasoning and in heart. 

James says, "As it is, you boast and brag. All such boasting is evil." James 4:16. James noted that boasting means our eyes are fixed on other people--how we measure against them. If we are better, we consider ourselves good. If someone else outperforms us, we value ourselves less. That's a wrong measure. 

Instead, it's better to teach our children to measure themselves against, "Are you doing what God has called you to do the best you can?" In this we teach our children to focus on their duty to God. To keep their eyes on God. More importantly, they get their security from the knowledge that they are precious to God--not on their performance as compared to others.

Bragging and condemning self are opposite ends of the same issue--finding confidence and worth in performance. When we turn our children's focus to their relationship with God, we give a sure footing that will last their lifetime.

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This month’s topic: What are the ways you treasure your days with your children?

As parents--we know we have to correct our children's misbehavior. We spend time assessing our expectations and considering the best consequences to ensure we are fair to our children. That's good. But, when the process ends--do you face a deepening closeness with your children or a distance born of frustration and ongoing anger? 
Done right--discipline should bring parents and children closer. Yet, for many parents--children might outwardly obey, but their attitude toward parents grows bitter and aloof. How can parents complete discipline well?
Share your reasoning. To be sure, parents can't explain every rule or decision. In fact, an important part of parenting includes training our children to trust us--even when they don't understand the why behind our decision. This enables our children to likewise trust God--even when they don't understand Him.
At the same time, rules that seem arbitrary breed resentment. When we take the time to explain why we have the rules we have, we create connection with our children. We have reasons for our rules--usually because they create the kind of family culture we want to foster. Children can't hit because we want those who live in our home to feel safe in our home. Children can't lie because lying kills trust--we want to be able to trust each other. Children do chores because we want them to know how to take care of their house when they are older, and we want them to learn that in a family, everyone contributes. 
As we share with our children the goals we are trying to achieve with the rules we set, children catch a vision for family life they can join. Personalize the rules for your child. When you explain that the rule against lying means they will know what is really happening and they can trust what you say, you give them motivation to join with you in creating a trusting home.
Try again. Parents need to memorize these words, "Go and try again." Often when a parent catches their child misbehaving, parent simply imposes a punishment. Some move on to having a conversation to ensure child understands why he was punished. While this process ensures that our child knows he failed his parents and why, it leaves our child in a state of defeat. Not a great mindset for closeness.
Add one more step. Tell your child, "Go and try again." If son was disciplined for yanking a truck from little sister or daughter was punished for backtalking--impose the consequence and have the conversation about why their behavior isn't allowed. Then, give your child the chance to try again.
Take the truck in your hand and ask your son, "How can you get the truck without yanking it?" Give the instruction to your daughter and ask her to respond as she should. When we give our children the opportunity to try again--we end discipline with a positive. We reinforce the message that we know our children can obey and that we believe in them. Rather than feeling defeated--they feel connected. A great antidote to distance.
Discipline is part of parenting--a part that ultimately should create more connection with parents. When we offer our children the chance to try again, connection grows.
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This month’s topic: What do you think?

"Happiness is the state of human flourishing. Human flourishing is reached by means of a virtuous life." Socrates

"I tried to get my son try that, but he didn't think it would be fun," quote from friend rejecting advice on how to engage her sullen son. Her desire? For her son to flourish. Her method? Create more fun for him. Yet, though she ran herself ragged to get him to every activity he desired--he continued to withdraw, to be more demanding, to be sullen. What gives?

While I'm a big fan of fun and think it should be an element of healthy family life, when did fun become the litmus test for life choices?

The message is everywhere. Our youth group leaders urge us to sign children up because "they'll have a blast!" Tutoring programs promise "children will learn and have fun doing it." Even teachers in classrooms introduce new subjects with the phrase, "We are going to have so much fun!" Our culture inundates us with the message that fun is the paramount consideration for how to engage our children--how to make them flourish. We've been duped. Most of human history knew better. They knew that the true path to flourishing was virtue.

Our language frames our children's thinking. When our language focuses on terms such as "fun" or "enjoy," we train our children to consider these to be the highest priorities for their lives. And when our children seek only their own pleasure, they grow self-centered, dissatisfied, and sullen. The farthest state from flourishing you can attain. We need to refocus on setting virtue as the path to flourishing. It begins with how we recommend life activities to our children--words that focus on building character rather than having fun.

I'll admit that my own language has become so infused with terms like "enjoy" and "this is will fun" that it's hard for me to find expressions for focusing on virtue that don't sound contrived or hokey. But, I'm trying--because I want my children to consider virtue as their path to flourishing. To happiness.

As I choose curriculum for our home school, I'm focusing more on recommending it to my children with phrases such as "This has some really great meat for our minds" or "I think this will help hone the passion God has given you with real skills." As I consider children's extra activities, I ask them, "This sounds really fun. How will it also build God's fruit in your life?" As they leave to go with friends, I no longer simply say, "Have a great time." I say, "Have a great time and be God's blessing." I have to admit the latter sounds forced even to me--but I'm trying to impart a virtuous focus even in my good-byes.

Our culture believes fun is the path to happiness. It's no surprise that focus has permeated our parenting--we want our children to be happy. Yet, Socrates advises--if we really want happiness for our children, focus on virtue. As we intentionally express this focus, we teach our children that--if they pursue virtue, they will be happy.
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This month’s topic: What do you think?

"Why won't this thing just do its job?!"  With a pile of dishes to wash, my frustration mounted as the newly purchased stopper failed to keep dishwater in the sink. Despite repeated wiggling, the suds simply drained away. "It has one job! Why can't it just do what it was created to do?"

I wonder how often God asks that question about me.

Sometimes, in the middle of folding laundry or correcting a math assignment, I look across the room to find my husband deep in thought. As I watch him sitting alone, I begin to reflect, "When was the last time I made time just for him?" Going deeper I ask, "Have I had enough in-depth conversations to know what he's pondering right now? Do I even know if he's troubled or if something is bringing him joy?"

Too often I get too busy to focus on my husband. I focus instead on my half of  the load and let him focus on his. With a house full of children it's so easy to say, "He's the other adult--he is on his own."

But, God says, "He's not supposed to be on his own. He gets lonely on his own. When I created him, I said that loneliness wasn't good, so I made you." I know I was created, first and foremost, to be my husband's companion. Though God has certainly added other roles, the very reason for my being is to ease the innate, created loneliness of my husband. Genesis 2. I also know how deeply God loves my husband. I'm sure there are times God looks at my husband single-handedly shouldering his burdens and asks, "Why can't she just do her job?!"

I know how to make this happen. When he gets home, I can instruct the children not to interrupt unless there is gushing blood, take him to our room, and spend the first 20 minutes of his time home focusing all my attention on catching up on his day. I can plan an evening away--or at least an evening walk--to get the two of us out of the house, together, and focused on each other. I can stop folding laundry and go sit with him. I can simply determine to do the job I was created to do--then trust God will show me how to get the rest done, too.

Everything is made for a purpose. If my frustration boils over the stopper's failure to keep water in a sink, how frustrated must God get when I fail to help and encourage the husband He gave to me. I need to remember my own plea, "Please, just do the job you were made to do."

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This month’s topic: What do you think?

The last few days have featured horror--both in Boston and West, Texas. When turning on the news to find out the weather, it's amazing how breaking news can blast it's way into our living rooms--and our children's awareness. The vivid pictures and detailed analysis can prove overwhelming, especially for young minds. When tragedy strikes, parents can help their children process.

First, reiterate security. Make concrete and clear that you are here to protect your children and will do so. Though, as adults we are aware of all we can't control, our children need to be able to count on us. The reassurance of our presence and our focus makes a huge difference to our children's sense of security. Statements such as, "I will take care of you," offer this reassurance. For older children, offer age-appropriate answers for their questions. When information is scant, people often imagine the worst. Allowing our children to ask questions and giving them the information they can handle helps quell their fears. For the information that's too much, simply say,"People who know best are handling that. You don't need to worry."

Second, give children a focus--praying for the wounded, gathering donations, or writing cards are a few of the kid-sized outreaches that can make a difference for our children and the victims. When we offer children a way to reach out, we give a measure of control they can take to do something positive. Good medicine.

Finally, restrict the viewing. Children--especially younger ones--can't distinguish what is happening across the country from what is happening down the street. The fires of West, Texas seem next door. While we may want to remain riveted for the latest details, most likely not much will change between dinner and after children head to bed. Get your news when they can't hear the grisly details.

When tragedy strikes, our children's security can take a hit. As parents, we must be on the front lines to help our children process the events within the context of our protection and love.

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This month’s topic: What do you think?

Want to get close to your children? Try planting a garden this spring.
Whether you stick to one tomato plant in the corner of your deck or fill a back yard with flowers, the benefits grow as quickly as the blooms.
  • Conversation--Something about the slow, steady work of tilling soil or weeding plants makes room for unstructured conversation. Without the distractions of household noise, what begins as a discussion of where to put the seeds flows into noticing the shapes in the clouds, the call of the birds, and then whatever else is on our child's mind. Parents have so much pulling at us--we can so easily be unavailable to our children for far more time than we realize. Between the computer, dinner, and bills we put our children off to take care of the details of life. Gardening buffers out aspects that interrupt and allows for conversation while working--a great recipe for connection.
  • Exploration--I love rediscovering the world through my child's eyes. Gardening opens aspects of the world to discovery. The worms and bugs living in the soil that aid our labors, the wonder of a tiny seed becoming dinner in a few weeks--a myriad of discoveries await in our backyards to be shared. When children ask questions about how the process works, we either share what we know or grab a book and discover together--great memories.
  • Work ethic--God designed children to learn from their parents while working beside them. Deuteronomy 6:6-7. Children inherently love being with their parents, learning from them, and participating with them. We've lost a lot of that dynamic in our current culture. More, children have lost the opportunities to engage in productive work. By institutionalizing an extended play culture for children, we've separated children from real work. Our children often can't see themselves as able to engage in meaningful activity which produces positive results for others. Gardening counteracts this. It tests physical as well as intellectual skills. It creates problem solving moments such as how to keep the deer or chickens away from the baby plants. Further, when the team brings that harvest of tomatoes or bouquet of flowers to the table, they share in the knowledge that together with you--they have done something meaningful.
Tips for succeeding:
  • Start small--If you haven't gardened before, take it slow. A few plants in a small plot may be the perfect introduction. Giving children their own garden offers a sense of connection and ownership that engages and excited them. Till some soil around a tree for wildflowers or create a small plot for her favorite vegetable. If it goes well, take the excitement from this year's success to expand next year.
  • Let your child pick--Build your child's enthusiasm by letting him make a few choices. Let him check options in the seed catalogue or head to a store to let your child choose the plants they want to tend. Ownership leads to longer commitment.
  • Celebrate victories--Make a feast featuring the first fruits from the garden or decorate the house with the blooms from the flowers. As you bring the successes into your home, you communicate their efforts have tangible value which both increases the connection between you and affirms a work ethic in them.
Spring is here. Enjoy the outdoors together through gardening and by fall you'll harvest a richer relationship with your children.

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This month’s topic: What do you think?

As a former attorney, I’m always interested in current cases. Two recently shocked me—for very different reasons.

The first: Ohio's Butler County Prosecutor recently sued Punxsutawney Phil for false advertisement of an early spring. Saying Phil "committed a felony against the peace and dignity of the state of Ohio;" Ohioans demanded Phil's execution. As a winter-dreader, I enjoyed this tongue-in-cheek expression of fellow frustration with the winter that never seems to end. The case made me laugh.

The second made me cry. A couple engaged a surrogate mother to carry their baby. The young woman had significant financial issues which the hefty surrogate fee would help address. When prenatal testing indicated issues in the baby, the couple offered to pay the woman $10,000 to abort. When she refused, they sued. Already financially strapped, the young woman faced both pregnancy alone and the expense of a lawsuit.

How could this happen?

As John Stonestreet says, “We become what we worship. Our culture worships stuff. So, people have become stuff.” Stuff you can return if not satisfied. Stuff you can reject for defects. Stuff you can throw away. People are not supposed to be equivalent to stuff—yet all too often people are treated as if they are. For this couple, their baby  was an item to dispose of because she didn't meet expectations. So, was the surrogate mother.

We can hope this experience persuades the couple never to try to have children again. Nature made the right call when it denied them a baby of their own. But, there are millions more in our culture who think of children as possessions--items geared for the couple's happiness and fulfillment. Should children fail in this--children should be disposed of. 

Our methods of disposal vary. This couple chose execution of their child. While many would be shocked at even the mention of executing Punxsutawney Phil; they barely blink at this notion. Others simply send their child away--to school, to after school programs, to summer camp. Now please hear me. I know many parents use these services as opportunities to grow their children and readily engage with these institutions to make this happen. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the parents who use these as a means of getting their children out of their hair because the children don't satisfy.

As parents we have a sacred trust—to treat our children as gifts from God, people made in His image and for His purposes—not ours. This means we focus our time, energy, and thoughts on engaging with our children to help them become the images of God they were made to be. At times we engage others to help us in this process; but we, the parents, remain primarily responsible--because our children are gifts and priorities, not disposable stuff. More, we bear the burden of convincing those around us of this truth. If we do this well, perhaps we will have only suits against poor rodents for miscalculation on the weather and can simply laugh.

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This month’s topic: What do you think?

"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your heart as if unto the Lord." Colossians 3:23. 

Why do we call our child back to wipe the crumbs from the counter after they finished cleaning the kitchen? Why do we insist they go back outside and return the lids to the trashcans? Why do we ask them to change the dog's water--not just fill the bowl to the top? 

When we ask our children to do the whole job, we teach them to work with all their heart at everything. Sometimes it's tempting to settle for a half-hearted effort from our children. We can tell ourselves, "At least they put the food in the fridge and the dishes in the dish washer. I guess I should be happy with that." But, letting our children get by with the minimum builds into them a habit of doing as little as possible. That's not God's standard.

When we expect the full job--the crumbs off the counter as well--we train our children to give their best. This is Step 1 to them seeing their life, and each job in it, as a work unto the Lord. An offering. A chance to bring Him glory with their efforts. This gives our children a sense of purpose, a hope, and a focus on God. We teach them to work, in even the crumbs on the counter, as if unto the Lord.

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This month’s topic: What do you think?

Do you have trouble getting children to do what you ask? How physically close are you when you instruct?

Turns out--closeness, both emotional and physical, count.

All too often, I find myself calling instructions across the yard or up the stairs. Is it any wonder my children so often fail to follow through? Even if they can hear me, they are busily engaged in their own play or work. How are my words supposed to penetrate when floating across such space? Getting close pays huge dividends.

  • Getting close gets attention. We live in a world where people receive more than 800 messages a day. From tweets to billboards to Facebook to texts to school lectures, our children are inundated with people talking at them. With so much going on, people default to tuning out unless something grabs their attention. It's a sheer defense mechanism against the onslaught of communication. When Mom or Dad walks up to their child or calls child to come to them, this signals, "It's time to tune in and listen to me."
  • Getting close implies importance. When a parent takes the time and energy to walk to a child and ask for their child's attention, child perks up. She realizes Mom or Dad must truly care about what they are going to say. This prepares our child to listen.
  • Getting close helps parents read their children. We gain insight as to whether this is a good time to give the instruction, whether our child understands, and whether our child respectfully responds to us. We go beyond simply barking out orders to engaging in a relationship with our child.
No parents likes to continually feel as if what he or she says bounces off our child into oblivion. We want to be heard. Getting close helps. As we get physically close, we connect with our child. That leads to more cooperation on the tasks. . .and to more emotional closeness as well.

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This month’s topic: What do you think?

Are you planning big for Valentine's Day? Don't forget the love language.
If I stood in the middle of the village square shouting, "Te amo, Miguel!" hoping to thrill my husband's heart--he would probably admit me for psychiatric evaluation. He doesn't speak Spanish. For him--this would hugely miss the target of proclaiming my love. As Gary Chapman points out in his book, The Five Love Languages, for my husband to hear this pronouncement of undying affection, I must speak his language. True for all of us.
As you reach out to spouse, children, and friends--take the time to consider: "Does this person respond most to":
  1. Words of affirmation--does he light up when payed a compliment or receives a note? Be sure to spend extra time picking the card or write a love letter describing what you treasure about him to include in his candy box.
  2. Gifts--does she save every tiny shell given on the beach or still have the locket from her 7th birthday? Taking the time to find a special gift will matter most to this person. It doesn't have to be expensive. Just a gift showing you know her tastes and current interests.
  3. Time--does he savor walks together or time on the couch just talking? Create a few coupons for special dates together. Put these on the calendar so he knows you intend to follow through.
  4. Physical touch--does she crave a back rub or holding hands? Again-coupons work well. This time prepare coupons for a massage or cuddle time and let her choose her time.
  5. Acts of service--if he remembers for weeks the filled gas tank or she the folded laundry, spend the days before and after Valentine's Day intentionally doing jobs that make your loved one's life easier. When they notice, give a kiss and say, "I hope that helps you know how special you are."
While the ones you love may enjoy all the above--be sure to include the expression of love that speaks most loudly to them. Then, you connect with the ones you love--and avoid the shrink's couch.
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This month’s topic: What are the ways you treasure your days with your children?

"Consistency is the key." How many times have you heard a parenting "expert" offer this guide? 

I know I've said it--repeatedly. But, is it true? Does consistency really matter? It turns out, that depends on what you are being consistent about.

Consistency matters for rules. The guides in our homes need to be consistent. Before we call something a rule, we need to determine if we are so committed to the principle we will enforce--no matter the timing, the situation, or the difficulty for us in stopping life to enforce. Our family's basic rules are:
  1. Obey a direct instruction.
  2. Show respect to others.
  3. Don't lie.
These get enforced whether we are at home, at Grandma's, or in the grocery. The rest of life is treated as the situation warrants, but for these--life stops if the boundary is breached. Life remains on pause until the breach is rectified. 

Further, everyone must follow these--parents included. In our home we've determined yelling shows disrespect, so everyone must find a calm, respectful manner of expressing our hurt or anger. We don't punish our children for yelling in anger but then yell ourselves. As we consistently enforce family rules no matter the situation or person involved, these principles shape the character of our family.

Consistency is counterproductive for consequences. When parents use the same consequences to deal with misbehavior time after time, the consequences begin to lose their effectiveness as a corrective. Familiarity makes the consequence something to endure rather than something that motivates a change in behavior. Children fall into a mindset of, "All I have to do is survive 10 minutes in time-out or 5 minutes of Mom yelling, then I can get back to my thing."

Parents make more impact if they have a variety of consequences to draw upon for correcting violations of the rules. This makes disciplining in public, between children of different personality types, and for differing levels of offense easier. When we trot out the same old punishment for every offence, we get stuck. If we know we can't use our one consequence here and now, we get stuck in letting child get away with disobedience. If we know our one consequence isn't impacting a particular child--we likewise get stuck in failure to draw them from actions that lead to bad character and toward behaviors that lead to good character. When we draw from a variety of options such as isolating child for a time, real-life impacts, scolding, loss of privileges, or some other way of penalizing child for disobedience--we can match the consequence to the situation and the child.

Does consistency matter? Yes! We need to consistently affirm the principles that shape our family life. But, we parent better when we have variety in consequences. When we look for options that reach our child's heart with the truth that their disobedience hurts both them and others around them, we create a context for change. Different children are motivated differently. Keep the same rules for all--but vary the consequence.

Please join us to encourage each other with your insights, remembering to keep comments uplifting and considerate of all. Click on 'comments' above to discuss this month's topic.
This month’s topic: What do you think?

"What just happened?" Many parents find themselves asking this question just after trying to talk with their child. Parent senses something is wrong with child. Parent lovingly tries to engage child in conversation to find out what's wrong and how parent can help. Child wants nothing to do with their advice or them. What happened?

My dad once observed, "For people to believe a message, they have to trust the messenger."We see it every day. As formerly trusted messengers (news reporters, politicians, pastors) have been caught in lies and scandals, people's trust in messages--whether news, government decisions, or spiritual guidance--has plummeted. Our children are not immune. Though parents genuinely love their children and have solid advice to offer, if children no longer trust their parents--they ignore the message.

If you want your children to listen to your message, you must become a trustworthy messenger. How can parents win back (or preserve) the trust of their child?
  • Keep your word. Don't make promises you can't (or don't intend) to keep. If you promise child to make it to their football game or a cuddle on the couch after they clean their room, don't let a work deadline or phone call cause you to miss this time. Don't offer bribes to induce good behavior, then renege. Don't forget little promises because children remember. While seeming minor at the time, a pattern of putting off what you told children you would do destroys trust. Keeping your word even when, and perhaps especially when, it's something minor builds trust.
  • Live by the standards you impose. Double standards destroy trust. When parents yell in anger but punish children for doing so, parents create piles of clutter but demand that children put stuff away, parents demand that children listen attentively but stare at their computer when child is speaking--these double standards destroy any illusion that the messenger is trustworthy. When parents follow the standards they impose--children learn parents can be trusted. Further, our struggle to follow these standards--that deep sigh as you stop yourself from yelling--instills greater trust. Our children see that following the rules costs us as much as it costs them.
  • Be the same person at home as in public. When parents are kind, considerate, and helpful to others in public but selfish and grumpy at home--trust lost. When parents go out of their way to treat family as well as (or even better than) those outside the house, trust builds.

Want your children to listen? Become a messenger they can trust. 

Please join us to encourage each other with your insights, remembering to keep comments uplifting and considerate of all. Click on 'comments'above to discuss this month's topic.
This month’s topic: What do you think?

‎"No fair!" 

How often do you hear these words each day? In our house, they are usually followed by a shout for Mom and a complaint about sibling's actions. As aggravating as these situations can be (especially when piled one on top of the other), they are actually golden opportunities to teach our children how to relate to each other and to all the others who will come into their lives. 

What does our child mean when they cry, "No fair!"? Usually that their desires or expectations aren't being met. The definition for fair becomes child getting what they feel they deserve. As parents we can offer different definitions. 

Fair can mean: 
  • that the reasonable and just outcome has occurred. 
  • that the needs of everyone in the situation have been met. 
  • that child has offered to sibling or playmate the treatment child would desire. 

As we help our child consider these definitions for fair, they can move beyond a focus on simply getting what they want and move on to considering others. 

The next time you hear, "No fair," take a deep breath and consider--"this is the opportunity to give my child a vision that is bigger that him/herself." You may still get a little overwhelmed, but you turn the moment into a lesson on relating to others.

Please join us to encourage each other with your insights, remembering to keep comments uplifting and considerate of all. Click on 'comments' above to discuss this month's topic.
This month’s topic: What do you think?

Looking for some resolutions that can produce results and that truly matter? Try these:

Resolutions for a healthy marriage:

1) Resolve to learn spouse's love language and specifically say I love you in their love language at least once a day. What are "love languages"? Check out Gary Chapman's great book--The Five Love Languages. Whether you put a note in their lunch (words of affirmation) or fill the gas tank before they have an early morning start (acts of service)--you'll communicate your love in a way they can hear. That builds their sense of security in your love.

2) Resolve to say only "that which builds others up." Find ways to express what your spouse does right, how they minister to you, and what you enjoy about them. At the same time, your conversations over the year will likely also include saying things that express concern, hurt, or anger about something spouse is doing. Even those thoughts should be expressed in a way to build spouse up, not tear them down. Make whatever divides you the enemy--not your spouse.

3) Resolve to listen to whatever spouse says and take seriously--even if you disagree with the conclusions. Treat spouse's feelings, experiences, and desires as real, valuable, and important. 

4) Choose to spend one-on-one time with spouse doing something fun at least twice per month. Memories and connections created during fun times together help carry through hard times. Whether you picnic on the living room floor or splurge on a fun weekend get-away, invest your time, money, and focus on being with and enjoying your spouse.

5) Pray diligently for your spouse every day. Great book for wives--The Power of a Praying Wife. Gives topical prayers as focus for praying for husbands. Don't know of equivalent for husbands, but do know that a wife senses when a husband prays for her. Prayer can bridge any gap by opening your relationship to the mighty working of God and His desire to build deep intimacy between you. Make this a priority, and you will see the work of God in your relationship.

May 2013 be a year when you are blessed in your marriage and the witness of your faithful, sacrificial love witnesses to the greater love of Christ.

Please join us to encourage each other with your insights, remembering to keep comments uplifting and considerate of all. Click on 'comments' below to discuss this month's topic.
This month’s topic: What are the ways you treasure your days with your children?
